Kelebihan graduan yang dihasilkan oleh UTeM pada masa kini tidak lagi dipertikaikan. Malahan ia telah menjadi sebut-sebutan kebanyakan industri di dalam negara mahupun di luar negara.
Apakah yang menjadi teras utama kepada faktor ini?
Jawapannya adalah corak pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan oleh UTeM iaitu berlandaskan aplikasi pembelajaran yang menjadi teras utama kehebatan graduan yang dikeluarkan oleh UTeM.
UTeM hanya mementingkan kualiti bagi menghasilkan jurutera yang hebat dalam bidang yang dipelajari oleh pelajar.
Upon completion of the course, the student should have the:
- ability to apply fundamental knowledge of mathematics, sciences,electrical and/or mechatronics engineering. (K,A)
- ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needswithin certain specifications. (K,S,A)
- ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze andinterpret data for practice and applications. (K,S)
- ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. (K)
- ability to use engineering tools necessary for engineering practices. (S)
- ability to practice professional and ethical conduct. (K,A)
- ability to communicate effectively, not only within the engineeringsociety but also within the community at large. (A)
- ability to function in a team effectively. (A)
- ability to undertake life long learning. (A)
- ability to identify fundamental entrepreneurship skills as applied in theengineering profession. (K)
- ability to have knowledge of contemporary issues. (K)
1. | Engineers who are able to apply engineering knowledge in their professional careers. |
2. | Engineers who are creative and innovative in adapting themselves into the global working environment. |
3. | Engineers who practice high standards of ethical conduct and societal responsibilities. |
4. | Engineers who are capable of developing their professional careerthrough both practical experience and life long learning. |
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Engineers who have strong technical competency in the field of Industrial Power. | |
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Engineers who have strong technical competency in the field of Control,Instrumentation and Automation. | |
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Engineers who have strong technical competency in the field of Power Electronics and Drives. | |
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Engineers who have strong technical competency in the field of Mechatronics. Inilah menjadikan graduan yang dilahirkan oleh UTeM menjadi hebat sebagai jurutera pilihan ramai industri dalam dan luar negara. Harus mencapai standard yang ditetapkan oleh EAC (Engineering Accreditation Council). Semoga UTeM terus cemerlang bagi melahirkan graduan yang bermutu tinggi mencapai tahap international. |